Archives for March 6, 2018

It’s easy to go batty for bibs!

Increasingly over the last few years I have had the pleasure of making gifts for friends babies. Baby related sewing projects are great fun and if you’re a beginner they’re a great way to practice a range of skills. There are endless tutorials and inspiration for baby projects available online. One of my go-to projects, especially if I’m short on time, is baby bibs.

Baby bibs are so quick and easy to make and individualise. A few years ago we were heading to a BBQ at a friends who had recently had a little boy. Waking up to a relaxing morning, I was stuck by the inspiration to make the wee lad a bib with his name cross-stitched on it. I didn’t have the time or inclination to use waste cloth but instead used gingham fabric for the bib which allowed me to do the cross stitch. Since then, I’ve made a handful and I think they look gorgeous! The first one I made was for Alexandra when she was first born and was so made up recently when I saw a photo of her wearing it as she scoffed cake on her second birthday.

Cami from the Cloth Parcel has written an excellent tutorial for a quilt bib and kindly shares a great template, which is the one I use.

I designed the cross-stitch lettering patterns, so they’re quite simple but I think the lettering looks very effective especially on the gingham. If you are going to design your own, remember to be mindful of the size of your gingham squares to make sure the lettering fits.

For the underside of the bib, you can pretty much use whatever you like – cotton, fleece, towelling, neoprene all work. I used neoprene most recently and it worked a treat.

I have tended to add topstitching around the edge of the bibs because I think it gives a nice finish, but you don’t need to. The Cloth Parcel tutorial shows you how to use bias to finish if that’s more your style.

Hope I’ve inspired you to reimagine the baby bib and personalise this baby essential for a new human in your life.

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